19 December 2009

The day we've finally waited for - P-Day

No, not Truck day, the day the truck leaves Fenway in February for Spring Training in Florida.

It's official (almost, but good enough for us).

Sierra is finished with her potty training!!!!

Well, like I said, almost. We're still doing the pull-up thing for overnights - she was completely dry one morning, and 2 days before that she chose her big girl undies over the daytime pull-ups.

But after almost 1 year of training and hundreds of pull-ups later, we are at the finish line. Our wallets and the local landfills are thanking her!


Ted D said...

Way to go, Sierra!!!!!!!

Relax Max said...

It takes a while. :) What a beautiful daughter! - I predict many more trials in your future that will make potty training fade in comparison. Just warning you.

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