11 May 2009


Yes. This morning my trusty vehicle hit 100,000 miles. Approximately 4 miles from home, in front of Saint Michael's College on Route 15 in Colchester, VT, at 8:00 this morning on the way to Burlington to an appointment at the hospital.

This has happened only one time before in my previous vehicle, which was little more than a block from home one day on my way home from work.

09 May 2009

More fun with Google Street View Maps

For some more street view fun, see ... well ... Streetviewfun.com. (Try to find the woman who tried to flash the Googlemobile! It's in there although the photo was removed on the Google site.)

My elementary school

Abbey Road crossing

Where I resided for 10 years with my mom (yeah it's a mobile home, what of it? narrowly missed that tornado although.)

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